Tuesday, December 18, 2007

First, some screenshots

I'm working on getting wxWidgets to work nicely under OS2008 on the n800 (should work on n810 as well). Some nice work was done by a few developers previously, but as far as I can tell, it's for the old hildon-lgpl library, instead of the new hildon-1 library. Here are some links to those posts:



I've spent the past few days trying to further modify wxWidgets to behave nicely on Maemo 4.x; here are some results from the dialogs sample. I'll post the details of my changes and some library binaries soon, once I've cleaned them up a bit. From what I can tell, wxWidgets is getting an incorrect impression of the window space available in normal (non-fullscreen) mode, seeing 720x420 pixels, when it's supposed to be seeing 696x396. I had to modify the TopLevelWindow code to return 696x396 if it thinks it's 720x420, and that keeps the widgets on the screen... Full screen seems behaved. A key issue is that the wxPosition for windows should be (0,0) or weird things will happen (I think since Hildon windows don't have visible borders, it just looks offset...). The dialogs look like they're working OK.

The window layout for Maemo 4.x.

The file and directory widgets seem to crash the dialogs sample when launched in the simulator, but not on the n800.

Without further ado, here are some screenshots, from the actual n800 (instead of the simulator):

I had to widen the constant for the checkbox column from 20 pixels to 40 pixels.

I needed to convert all of the HildonColorSelector stuff to HildonColorChooserDialog stuff. The color choosing dialog seems to work well. However, the GTK one is actually pretty cool and might be better...

Font selection works (barely fits) ... if you increase the font size too much it starts to cover up the scroll bars, however.

Just to show that the menus behave nicely and don't stack on top of each other.

This should probably be replaced with the Hildon file dialog ... this one has a tendency to barely fit, and also doesn't present the user-friendly Nokia filesystem, instead showing a standard Unix layout...

Multiple-select doesn't really work, probably since we don't have a shift or control key...

This one just does not fit...

And it's even worse if you try to type something ... definitely something to work on...

The error log dialog boxes look downright pretty and very well-integrated.

The mini-frames are a disaster - you can't even close 'em...

There's a funny little blue line up above the word 'Load' ... not sure what that's about...

Notifications work surprisingly well ... I couldn't really capture the 'request attention' one but it looks like the application icon is pulsing.

So, that's where I'm at. Thanks.



Unknown said...

This is pretty impressive. Keep up the good work. Also, do you know of any planned ports for python with the n8x0 and wxwidgets?

Hostman said...

Hey, thanks. You might want to check this out: